31-10-2024, 08:34
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⏳ Date: 31/10/2024
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- 305132 System User
- 305132 Wallet
🔴in the second
- 120183 clients (full casino sites) id name email key key_type call_back_url balance_url status created_at updated_at lastsettlementdate whiteip paid home_site
- 43083 System User
- 43083wallet
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🔴in the third
- 64373 clients (full casino sites)
id name email key key_type call_back_url balance_url status created_at updated_at lastsettlementdate whiteip paid home_site
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🔴For Price : 10000$
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💻 1971k uniq players with,emails and phone.
🔴🔴 We also accept your request for your required casino site pentesting / data dumping from all the countries.🔴🔴
⏳ Date: 31/10/2024
🗒 Sql / csv
🔴fname lname username email mobile currencycode countrycode balance_fun bonus first_deposit dailydeplimit nodeposits nowithdrawals totaldeposits totalwithdrawals level acc_pass
🔴in the first
id name email key key_type call_back_url balance_url status created_at updated_at lastsettlementdate whiteip paid home_site
- 305132 System User
- 305132 Wallet
🔴in the second
- 120183 clients (full casino sites) id name email key key_type call_back_url balance_url status created_at updated_at lastsettlementdate whiteip paid home_site
- 43083 System User
- 43083wallet
- logs
🔴in the third
- 64373 clients (full casino sites)
id name email key key_type call_back_url balance_url status created_at updated_at lastsettlementdate whiteip paid home_site
- 538588 System User
🔴For Price : 10000$
🔴For Proof @attacker1010 on telegram