
Fuld version: Variety Jones
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Synes næsten denne fortjener en tråd.

Citer:These Are the Two Forgotten Architects of Silk Road

Ross Ulbricht, the convicted creator of the online drug market Silk Road, did not run the site alone.

Over its three year history, Ulbricht hired a small staff of forum moderators and market administrators to help keep the cogs of a multi-million dollar business moving—many of whom have now been apprehended by the authorities.

There were two crucial but lesser-known players involved who have yet to be publicly unmasked, however.

Citer:Forgotten Silk Road Architect 'Variety Jones' Appears to Be Back Online

The infamous behind-the-scenes Silk Road architect Variety Jones may be posting online again after years of silence.

Variety Jones was the mentor of convicted Silk Road creator Ross Ulbricht. He made financial and security decisions for the site, and also tried to expand the Silk Road brand into other areas, such as an encrypted email service.

En central figur fra den originale Silk Road er stadig på fri fod, og det har resulteret i nogle lidt vilde teorier.

I denne tråd står han selv frem og fortæller lidt om sin baggrund og nogle af de ting folk har fundet frem til. Desuden påstår han, at en agent har hjulpet med diverse efterretninger, og har afpresset flere markeder. Han har selv en teori om, at det var sådan Evolution forsvandt:

Det er en Lang men spændende tråd, og han har en god skrivemåde.
Der er blandt andet lavet et dox af manden, og Motherboard har haft adgang til en af hans emailkonti. Flere brugere gør et godt stykke arbejde for at komme til bunds i det. Hvad der er rigtigt, og hvad der er veltænkt fejlinformation, er ikke til at vide.

Her er en anden spændende tråd på BitcoinTalk:

Her er en lang artikel om Silk Road og en håndfuld af de store spillere som blev busted:

Og denne side er en gigantisk samling, som også er værd at kigge på:

Så hvis i på et tidspunkt sidder og keder jer, og absolut ikke ved hvad i skal give jer til, så synes jeg helt klart det er et kig værd.
Jeg har selv fulgt med i tråden på myplanetganja, og jeg kan helt klart anbefale folk at tjekke den ud, selvom der er meget læsestof :)

Mit yndlingscitat fra en af hans posts var da han blev anholdt engang i 2010 eller sådan noget og de truede med at sparke hans dør op

Citer:Kick down my door? Kick down my fucking door? That door is a Johnson Specialties 8 hour fire rated steel clad beauty, with 2 inches of fire-crete barrier material, 6mm criss-crossed hardened steel internal supports, with quad dual-throw cross axis throw bolts. There's 8 fucking 3/4 inch hacksaw proof bolts six inches long that secure BOTH fucking sides of the frame/door matings, with drop-forged alloy roll rods free-floating internally to defeat attempts at cutting. There's six fucking heavy duty hinges on your side of the door attached to an 8 inch reinforced steel joist that forms the frame the fucking door is attached to. There are six of those fucking heavy duty roll-pressed hinges because the door alone weighs over 200 fucking kilograms, and they have to fucking support its weigh when it opens. You could spend six hours with sledgehammers and cold chisels peeling the fucking hinges off the door and you still wouldn't be one iota closer to kicking my fucking door down. And note that the fucking hinges are on YOUR FUCKING SIDE of the door. My side of the door has more RSJ I beam, you could hit the fucking thing with a tank and tear the fucking building down and that fucker would still be closed. That fucking door cost me 2200 fucking quid, and right up until now I had buyers remorse thinking maybe I had gone a little over the top with it. But now, now I fucking love that door, and I fucking dare you to even fucking THINK about kick it down!

Like a fucking baws!

Det bliver dog spændende at se, hvad det ender med at føre til, såfremt at hans påstande er sande. Det er som sagt svært at af eller bekræfte noget indtil videre

Edit: link til den post om hans fantastiske dør :P
Yeah. Der er også utallige tråde på diverse narkorelaterede forums, nyhedsmedier, Reddit osv.

Denne er også lidt fræk, hvis han rent faktisk kunne arrangere det:
Citer:One of the things i’d like us to look at investing in is a helicopter tour company…seriously, with the amount of $ we’re generating, I could hire a small country to come get you.

And remember that one day when your in the exercise yard, I’ll be the dude in the helicopter coming in low and fast, I promise.

Tror dog der er for meget fokus på ham fra nu af og for altid. Så jeg er skeptisk.