
Fuld version: Vault 7
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Citer:WikiLeaks has published a huge trove of what appear to be CIA spying secrets.
The files are the most comprehensive release of US spying files ever made public, according to Julian Assange. In all, there are 8,761 documents that account for "the entire hacking capacity of the CIA", Mr Assange claimed in a release, and the trove is just the first of a series of "Vault 7" leaks.
Already, the files include far more pages than the Snowden files that exposed the vast hacking power of the NSA and other agencies.
In publishing the documents, WikiLeaks had ensured that the CIA had "lost control of its arsenal", he claimed. That included a range of software and exploits that if real could allow unparalleled control of computers around the world.
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Kig med på Wikileaks Twitter-feed:

Bliver svedigt hvis de ender op med at offentliggøre og udgive samtlige data. Kunne være spændende at kigge på både malware og exploits.
Lidt off-topic, men er jeg den eneste som bliver imponeret over alle de forskellig exploit/PoC navne?

Men ja, det er da helt sikkert spændende og se om WikiLeaks disker op med noget at lege med
Der er ellers mange lækre ting.
Vi må bare håbe Wikileaks vælger at dele det med os andre.
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Citer:WikiLeaks has released less than 1% of its #Vault7 series in its part one publication yesterday 'Year Zero'.

Så er spørgsmålet vel, hvor meget de har tænkt sig at dele.
De fleste herinde er vel interesseret i at kigge lidt i kildekoderne til deres værktøjer.
For vildt pressen ikke er mere inde over det der end de er..
Så er release #2, DarkMatter offentliggjort af Wikileaks:

Denne er også ny, fra i dag, dog ikke helt relateret:
[Billede: s_vQFg_L_Ppxuu93Y-RvCa0MPJNFNgbiZO3SdweN...b453f330f7]

Hvorvidt det passer er dog ikke til at sige, da det er en anonym bruger, og ikke en officiel kilde. Kunne være rent bs.
Tredje release er heller ikke så kødfyldt som man kunne håbe.
Citer:Description: The Marble Framework is designed to allow for flexible and easy-to-use obfuscation when developing tools. When signaturing tools, string obfuscation algorithms (especially those that are unique) are often used to link malware to a specific developer or development shop. This framework is intended to help us (AED) to improve upon our current process for string/data obfuscation in our tools. The framework utilizes pre and post-build execution steps to apply obfuscation to the tool. If the tool breaks the build, the post build will always be able to repair it. The pre-build execuion step will store clean copies of the code before making modifications. The post build execution step restores the files to a clean-copy state. The framework allows for obfuscation to be chosen randomly from a pool of techniques. These techniques can be filtered based upon the project needs. If desired, a user may also, select a specific technique to use for obfuscation. A receipt file is generated on run (and replaces any previous receipts). The receipt file identifes the algorithm used as well as all of the strings/data that was obfuscated. The post-build step will also double check to make sure none of the obfuscated data appears in the binary.

The framework's integration into the EDG Project Wizard will set up the appropriate project and solution properties needed to run. Currently, the obfuscation framework will only be set for release builds. If it is so desired to debug the obfuscated strings you may manually set the pre and post build events.
Jeg har ikke været for god til at opdatere tråden, da det simpelthen har været for kedelige læk. Det er skam spændende nok at se manualer igennem, men vi mangler noget at lege med :/