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pop3 server til pop3 attack udfordring
21-05-2016, 20:44 (Denne besked var sidst ændret: 21-05-2016, 21:24 af iTick. Årsag: Stavefejl rettet )
pop3 server til pop3 attack udfordring
Dette stykke kode var oprindeligt en fuzzer til pop3 klienter, MUAs, men blev skrevet lidt om og brugt til serverdele af Juli 2015 - POP3 attack
Jeg ved ikke om nogen kan bruge det, men hvis i kan, så værsågod:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
## Product: POPFuzz v0.9
## Description: POP3 Client fuzzer
## Filename: popfuzz.rb (Must be executable)
## Author: iTick
## Ruby 1.9.3 +
## Started: 2015
## Usage: ./popfuzz.rb &
## OS: Any that supports Ruby
# Purpose: Fuzzing client POP3 software by giving overly long responses to client commands etc.
# Must run as root to be able to listen on port 1023 or below.
# RFC 1081 POPv3 - obsolete
# Software is free for all to use.
# Known Bugs: Lots
# - Does not handle unknown commands at all.
# - Errorhandling missing but not really needed.
# - Released files should have no file extension.

## Required modules
require 'socket'

## Constants
PORT = 110                                                                              # Port to listen on
BANNER = "+OK POPFuzz v0.9 Server Ready ( challenge)"
LISTEN_IP = ""                                                   # Listen on INADDR_ANY
USERNAME ="postmaster"                                                  # Account for the client to use
PASSWORD = "Password1"                                                              # Password for the client to use
DOMAIN = ""                                                 # Domain to be presented in tne static email.

# Freeze constants. (SHould be done directly on the receiver, but it seems to not work in older versions of Ruby)

## Globals
$num_messages = 1                                                               # Number of messagens the server holds. Only one static is currently in place.

# *** Message 1 beginning ***
$msg1 = <<-END_OF_STRING
Return-Path: <>
Delivered-To: #{USERNAME}#{DOMAIN}
Received: from localhost (unknown [])
        by harmony.local (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2CC88637E2
        for <#{USERNAME}#{DOMAIN}>; Wed, 13 May 2015 10:02:52 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Hello
Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 04:17:57 +0000
From: "Administrator" <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; charset="UTF-8"; boundary="b1_5ecf0dd9b89ef5875fcc3e3ead24e962"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


The secret word is Hello.

Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hey<br />
The secret word is Hello.

# *** Message 1 ending ***

## Main
socket =, PORT)                 # Create a server socket (for listening)

# Main loop
loop do                                                                                 # Keep listening
        Thread.start(socket.accept) do |client|         # Handle accept() and spawn a thread for each client connection.
                client.puts BANNER                                              # Send banner to client according to RFC
                _state = "AUTHORIZATION"                                # Keep track of POP3 states
                _username = ""                                                  # This is to verify that the USER is set before accepting PASS

                # AUTHORIZATION state
                while _state == "AUTHORIZATION"
                        _message = client.gets                          # Read command from client
                        _command = ""                                           # Initialize command variable to ""
                        _argument = ""                                          # Initialize command argument to ""
                        _command, _argument = _message.chomp.split(/ /)         # Remove CR and LF if present and split the message into a command and an argument variable.

                        # USER
                        if _command == "USER" and _state != "AUTHORIZATION"                                                                     # USER command while not i AUTHORIZATION state. This should not happen.
                                client.puts "-ERR You should not do this now"
                        elsif _command == "USER" and !_argument and _state == "AUTHORIZATION"                   # USER was not followed by a username. State is correct.
                                client.puts "-ERR missing username"
                        elsif _command == "USER" and _argument == USERNAME and _state == "AUTHORIZATION"        # USER command matches an account. State is correct
                                _username = _argument
                                client.puts "+OK #{_username} is hanging out here"
                        elsif _command == "USER" and _argument != USERNAME and _state == "AUTHORIZATION"        # User command did not match requested account. State is correct.
                                client.puts "-ERR #{_argument} does not hang out here"

                        # PASS
                        if _command == "PASS" and _state != "AUTHORIZATION"                                                                     # PASS command given while not in AUTHORIZATION state. This should not happen.
                                client.puts "-ERR You should not do this now"
                        elsif _command == "PASS" and _username != USERNAME and _state == "AUTHORIZATION"        # PASS called before USER. State is correct.
                                client.puts "-ERR You should do USER first"
                        elsif _command == "PASS" and !_argument and _state == "AUTHORIZATION"                           # PASS was not followed by a password. State is correct.
                                client.puts "-ERR Passowrd missing"
                        elsif _command == "PASS" and _argument != PASSWORD and _username == USERNAME and _state == "AUTHORIZATION"      # Password was not correct. State is correct.
                                client.puts "-ERR Passowrd incorrect for that user"
                        elsif _command =="PASS" and _argument == PASSWORD and _state == "AUTHORIZATION"         # PASS matches. State is correct
                                client.puts "+OK #{_username} is now authorized"
                                _state = "TRANSACTION"                                                                                                                  # Authorization complete. Change state according to RFC. This will end current loop that handle the AUTHORIZATION state.

                        # QUIT
                        if _command == "QUIT"
                                client.puts "+OK leaving"
                                _state = "ENDING"

                        # AUTH FIXME: Not implemented
                        if _command == "AUTH"
                                client.puts "-ERR What are you doing?"

                        # CAPA FIXME: Not implemented
                        if _command == "CAPA"
                                client.puts "-ERR What are you doint?"

                # TRANSACTION State
                while _state == "TRANSACTION"
                        _message = client.gets                                                                  # Read command from client
                        _command, _argument = _message.chomp.split(/ /)                 # Remove newlines ans split the message using space as a seperator

                        # STAT
                        if _command == "STAT" and _state != "TRANSACTION"               # STAT given in wrong state. This should not happen.
                                client.puts "-ERR You should not do that now"
                        elsif _command == "STAT" and _state == "TRANSACTION"    # STAT is given. State is correct.
                                client.puts "+OK #{$num_messages} #{$msg1.size}"

                        # LIST
                        if _command == "LIST" and _state != "TRANSACTION"               # LIST is given in wrong state. This should not happen.
                                client.puts "-ERR You should not do this now"
                        elsif _command == "LIST" and !_argument and _state == "TRANSACTION"             # LIST is given with no arguments. This is OK.
                                client.puts "+OK #{$num_messages} messages (#{$msg1.size} octets)"      # This should not be done this way. Make sure to calculate size of all messages in total if more than one exists.
                                client.puts "1 #{$msg1.size}"
                                client.puts "."
                        elsif _command == "LIST" and _argument == "1" and _state == "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "+OK #{_argument} #{$msg1.size}"

                        # RETR
                        if _command == "RETR" and _state != "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "-ERR You should not do this now"
                        elsif _command == "RETR" and !_argument and _state == "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "-ERR Message number missing"
                        elsif _command == "RETR" and _argument == "1" and _state == "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "+OK #{$msg1.size} octets"
                                client.puts $msg1
                                client.puts "."

                        # DELE (This does not actually delete the message, but returns a appropriate reply)
                        if _command == "DELE" and _state != "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "-ERR You should not do this now"
                        elsif _command == "DELE" and !_argument and _state == "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "-ERR no such message"
                        elsif _command == "DELE" and _argument == "1" and _state == "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "+OK message 1 deleted"

                        # NOOP
                        if _command == "NOOP" and _state != "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "-ERR You should not do this now"
                        elsif _command == "NOOP" and _state == "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "+OK"

                        # LAST FIXME: Not implemented
                        if _command == "LAST" and _state != "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "-ERR You should not do that now"
                        elsif _command == "LAST" and _state == "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "+OK 1"

                        # RSET
                        if _command == "RSET" and _state != "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "-ERR You should not do this now"
                        elsif _command == "RSET" and _state == "TRANSACTION"
                                client.puts "+OK maildrop has #{$num_messages} messages (#{$msg1.size} octets)"

                        # UIDL FIXME: Not implemented
                        if _command == "UIDL"
                                client.puts "-ERR not supported"

                        # XTND FIXME: Not implemented
                        if _command == "XTND"
                                client.puts "-ERR not supported"

                        # TOP FIXME: Not implemented
                        if _command == "TOP"
                                client.puts "-ERR not supported"

                        # QUIT
                        if _command == "QUIT"
                                client.puts "+OK leaving"
                                _state = "ENDING"
                end             # while

                # ENDING state (and all other states not handled - if any)
                client.close            # Close the client socket
        end             # End the thread that handle the current client
end     # Mail loop end

socket.close                            # Close the server socket. This should never happen. Use CTRL+C to stop the server.
Og ja, koden og det hemmelige ord til udfordringen er ændret. ;)
Writing a shellcode decoder stub in assembly is like talking gibberish in such a way that it is still perfectly intelligible. - iTick
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22-05-2016, 15:18
RE: pop3 server til pop3 attack udfordring
Kan huske jeg blev temmelig forvirret da jeg forsøgte at fingerprinte serveren til den udfordring der :)
Don't learn to hack, hack to learn
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22-05-2016, 15:35
RE: pop3 server til pop3 attack udfordring
(22-05-2016, 15:18)Spagnum Skrev: Kan huske jeg blev temmelig forvirret da jeg forsøgte at fingerprinte serveren til den udfordring der :)

Hehe. Du er da også nysgerrig af natur. Rigtig hacker mentalitet. ;)
Writing a shellcode decoder stub in assembly is like talking gibberish in such a way that it is still perfectly intelligible. - iTick
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23-05-2016, 19:34
RE: pop3 server til pop3 attack udfordring
(22-05-2016, 15:35)iTick Skrev: Hehe. Du er da også nysgerrig af natur. Rigtig hacker mentalitet. ;)

hehe det tager jeg så som et kompliment :)
Don't learn to hack, hack to learn
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23-05-2016, 21:26
RE: pop3 server til pop3 attack udfordring
(23-05-2016, 19:34)Spagnum Skrev: hehe det tager jeg så som et kompliment :)

Det er det også. :D
Jeg tror jeg skal teste email klienter igen snart. Se om jeg kan finde nogle bugs. :D
Writing a shellcode decoder stub in assembly is like talking gibberish in such a way that it is still perfectly intelligible. - iTick
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